Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Thanksgiving in Huntsville

Millie's family gathered at our house for Thanksgiving. As usual, there was more food than people. Cruz and Jeff Lewis were here along with their kids; Genette (and daughter Aurora), Sean, Rafa, and Joshua. Millie's brother John, his wife Stacie and daughter Isabella also were there. Other special guests were Jeff's sister Cheryl and her friend Robert.

Georgia helped Aurora make marshmallow creatures while Millie and her sisters set the big peoples' table for a feast.

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Summer is gone; Good!

It was long, hot and ended with a terrible storm. The summer of 2008 left as Hurricane Ike rolled over us and the rest of East Texas. We lost several trees, and our power was out for about a week. That said, it could have been much worse. Ike was a nastier storm than Rita, but it wasn't the same calamity of evacuees. Most folks, except for a few idiots in Galveston, were prepared. They also did a decent job of taking care of themselves. Millie went to Houston with her family to clean up her mom's yard. Here is Jeff taking his frustration out on a fallen limb. I had my hands full dealing with the aftermath at the hospital.

Our neighbor, Fleetwood almost had a tree join her in her living room. The damage was nothing a little insurance couldn't fix. She joined us for dinner under the stars while we smoked thawed meat from our not-so-cold freezer.

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Last week was Mother's Day. Mine could not be with us, but Millie's mom Aurora spent the weekend with us. It was a lovely visit. I took advantage of our time together to pick her brain about proper Spanish usage. I started the Rosetta Stone course last month. It is a good program, but I depend on people like Aurora to fill in the gaps. At church on Sunday I was LEM and I got to serve Aurora communion. I surprised her with: "La sangre de Cristo, la taza de salvacion" as I offered her the chalice. I think she liked the gesture.

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Here's Doug & Millie

My big brother David has his blog, now it's my turn. I haven't given a lot of thought as to what we will put in this blog. I guess we will make it up as we go along.

Millie and I live and work in Huntsville, TX. We have been married for almost 32 years, and it keeps getting better. We have a daughter, Georgia, who lives in Austin.