Sunday, May 11, 2008

Here's Doug & Millie

My big brother David has his blog, now it's my turn. I haven't given a lot of thought as to what we will put in this blog. I guess we will make it up as we go along.

Millie and I live and work in Huntsville, TX. We have been married for almost 32 years, and it keeps getting better. We have a daughter, Georgia, who lives in Austin.


Judy & David said...

So is that a stuffed steer Millie is on? Cowboy, my royal a$$.

Not a bad start for your blog.

Yia Yia said...

This is a good start, Doug. Keep it up!

Nadine Marksteiner said...


You have really nice pictures! You should go to and upload your pics there and put them on fridge magnets and send it to all your friends and family.

